Spirit Week: A Real Thriller

What do Kermit the Frog, American flags, go-go boots, and twins have in common? Each of the following were spied during Terryville High School’s traditional Spirit Week during the fall. For THS, Spirit Week means crazy costumes, themed outfits, and outward displays of school spirit.

Spirit Week brings together every class in the school, promoting a positive environment that makes students excited for the school year. From freshmen to seniors, all ages of kids jazz up their day and dress up. It is also a good way to help welcome the freshmen and help them become more comfortable with the Terryville identity. Each day has a different focus that the students can have fun with: Monday was Meme Day, Tuesday was Twin Day, Wednesday was Wayback Day, Thursday was U.S.A. Day and Friday was the fall pep rally.







Spirit week started strong with Meme Day: students and teachers had the opportunity to dress up as their favorite online sensation. Hilariously, friend groups dressed up as group memes like Joanne the Scammer, a popular meme, and the ‘blinking guy.’ Some other truly iconic costumes were Kermit the Frog sipping tea and Salt Bae. On Tuesday the student population paired up and matched clothes with their friends, a yearly tradition at THS. This year’s popular duos were Lilo and Stitch, Sesame Street characters, Winnie the Pooh characters, and many others. Some students even ‘twinned’ with Mr. Tierney, one of the math teachers, with bald caps and soul patches. Next, Wednesday was dubbed Wayback Wednesday. Each class dressed in attire from past decades. Groups of friends formed 1990s grunge squads and groovy girl posse from the 70s. Second, to last, Thursday was U.S.A. Day, where the student body dressed in the colors of the United States flag: red, white, and blue. The students wore shirts, bandanas, and even pants patterned with the flag. It was the ultimate show of American spirit.

2017’s Spirit Week was punctuated by the pep rally, arguably the most fun event of the school year. The school cheered along with the powderpuff cheerleading team, witnessed an epic rap battle, and watched a climactic performance of the Thriller dance by the staff. The dramatic end to this year’s Spirit Week leaves students anticipating next year’s exciting events.

Students cozy up for Pajama Day a few weeks after Spirit Week

Written by Giana Farrow, Lacy Lyons, & Mrs. Dinnan

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